Are You Truly Ready to Find Your Soulmate?
While the idea of true love and having a partner sounds appealing to just about everyone, not everyone is necessarily ready for it. Relationships always seem like pure fun and happiness on the surface, and at first, they are. It goes like a Disney fairy tales; a picture-perfect love story; shy smiles and stolen glances; falling deeply in love; starting loving everything in life; understanding each other; getting married; living happily ever after.
However, you’ll soon realize that most relationships worth having are very time consuming, costly, and may involve some arguing. Practically, nothing becomes picture-perfect automatically. If you don’t have your life sorted out before trying to enter a relationship, you won’t be able to truly develop a proper relationship. We need to invest our time and energy to make a relationship perfect.
Not only is it unattractive to potential partners if you can’t even get your own stuff in order, but it also shows that you’re not capable of providing for the both of you. When it gets to the point that you’d basically be relying on your partner for just about everything and they’re providing for everything you do, it starts to drain on them, making for an unhappy relationship.
Instead, a relationship should be symbiotic, meaning you both benefit from one another.
Another big issue that comes with relationships is that they’re simply expensive. It starts off small with occasional dates, but it eventually accumulates quickly after paying for lunches, gifts, and dates.
If you don’t have the funds to back it up, it doesn’t mean you won’t have a relationship, but being financially stable most certainly helps. This goes hand in hand with the concept of having your things in order.
If you’re not financially stable, would your soulmate really want to try to raise a family and spend their lives with you? You’ll need money to support children and pay for retirement, and if you don’t have that, then a future together may end up being difficult.
Additionally, if you’ve been having issues recently with stress or any other mental issues, a relationship might not be the solution, and can sometimes make things worse. Trying to find your soulmate is a lengthy process, and it can cause a lot of nervousness, stress, and just general mental wear.
Therefore, adding on a brand-new source of stress and issues of that nature only multiplies with your current issues, leaving you, your partner, and those around you in a worse overall state.
Luckily, this isn’t the case for all relationships, though. Some are mostly smooth, not a financial burden, and happy all the way through, and if you can find a relationship like this, you’re quite lucky.
5 Signs You’ve Found The One
by Travel ESP
Published on Youtube on Feb 11, 2020
Now you’ve got the checklist, let us ask the question…
Do you think she or he’s the one? The right person for you?
Before You Say Goodbye to Dating Sites and Apps
Okay, let’s say you’re all ready to find your soul mate, but how will you going to start aside from getting out and hooking up on a Friday night, of course.
Many people these days have turned to use dating websites and apps on their phones in order to find partners. This might be anything from to Tinder or Bumble, and they all have some unique features.
However, many people get worried and uneasy using them, just because it seems like a lot to take in at first. Don’t let that turn you away from them, though. It might seem difficult at first making a profile and figuring out how these different resources work, but once you figure them out, it’s not really that hard.
There’s certainly a period of learning which can be hard, but it’s not impossible.
The first thing you need to figure out is what people are looking for in your profile and what you should write on your profile.
One thing that’s very important is your picture. Especially on apps like Tinder, your picture is the first thing they see and is usually the deciding factor. This might sound shallow, but they’ll be flipping through a lot of people, and don’t have time to read each and every person’s bio.
You can make your picture one that’s more flattering, but also make sure to keep it current. There’s nothing more annoying for prospective partners than arriving in a first date to someone who looks almost nothing like their profile picture did.
It makes things awkward and establishes an immediate sense of distrust. If you can include multiple pictures for your profile, try to include some of you doing activities that you enjoy, so you have a talking point to start off with if they also enjoy that activity.
When you’re writing your bio, you might get stuck not knowing where to even begin. It’s difficult trying to describe yourself without sounding vain or boastful. Try to include things that you enjoy doing, because this might make for a good starting point for a date idea.
You should also include some basic information about yourself but don’t put in anything too personal.
Try not to include anything in your bio that can be taken negatively, such as demands, because that comes off as being very standoffish and might drive potential partners away.
This includes things about what you’re not looking for in a relationship or what you don’t need in a person. Instead, make it positive by talking about what you do want in a person or a relationship. This seems much more inviting and gives you a much better chance of finding someone.
Here are some websites/apps you can use to find your soulmate:

Tinder has a great user interface and user-friendly system. It is the most famous dating site and people of all ages and most countries use it. This app uses an interesting concept that allows you to swipe right for yes and left for no to other users around your area, which you can also change the radius in the settings, and chat if both parties swipe right.

OkCupid is the only dating app that knows you’re more substance than just a selfie—as they claim on their website. It is an American-based, internationally operating online dating, friendship, and social networking website that features multiple-choice questions in order to match members. OkCupid is free and has an excellent algorithm for matching partners.

Coffee Meets Bagel is a San Francisco–based dating and social networking service. CMB claim that it is a dating app that gets to the heart of meaningful connections. Well, it’s truly different than its other competitors, Coffee Meets Bagel brings you one “Bagel” a day, which also refers to your potential match based on your detailed preferences. Then you have the whole 24 hours to decide whether to “Like” or “Pass”.